Friday, February 13, 2009

Gooey Gooey Lovey Goo

What are you all doing for your significant others for Valentine's Day? We are renting Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist because we love Michael Cera. I am also making chocolate covered strawberries and I tried to find Virgil's root beer because Beau Brummel and I love it, but the store was out, I might try again today. I am going to collect all the letters and cards we have written to each other over the years together in a binder for him as well. 

For my kids I am going to heart attack their rooms with little paper hearts with sayings like 'U R Smart' and stuff on them in the middle of the night so they will see them right when they wake up. I am also going to try to get up at the butt crack of dawn to get these awesome apple and raspberry turnovers from the BEST soft pretzel place outside of Switzerland. I will also pick up a variety of pretzel bites. If I don't manage to get up early enough I will make heart shaped waffles with strawberry syrup instead.

I am not expecting much from my husband because we usually do things pretty low key. Oh yes, we will probably have some quality alone time since it is one of two romantic holidays in the year (our anniversary being the other one), but I think I will skip the rose petals and music and candles and just go for some lingerie instead since it is so underused.

Well, what are you gals doing to keep the flames alive?


Nancy Ross said...

Flashlight took me to the opera this past week, which was great. But I have to concur, my lingerie is underused!

LAR Girl said...

Turnovers didn't work out, the place wasn't making them. Beau made the waffles. I did find the Virgil's and he got me a pedicure and made me a really cool card.
The opera sounds really cool. I haven't been in about 10 years.

hmaimai said...

I cooked heart shaped chocolate cakes and biscuits for everybody and asked the kids to put red heart on the front door and make a drawing of lovers.