Saturday, March 8, 2008

This is Sad

Usually my posts are funny or useful. This one is just sad. But I would really appreciate some comments as I feel really disturbed by this:

My friend in California had a baby with a heart condition. He had surgery right after he was born and was in the NICU for four months. Just when they thought they could take him home, he died. They are really nice, wonderful, good people. 

Why are so many horrible murders, rapists, evil evil evil people allowed to live and keep doing bad things while innocent people die? What could possibly be the purpose of someone being born only to die 4 months later? I feel like I will never understand why this happens, especially when the families really want the babies and would raise them with such love and care. This is actually the third time in the last couple months that someone I know has had a baby die so soon after being born. Then there are women out there who neglect or abuse or abandon their children and really should never be allowed to reproduce at all and they have baby after baby in appalling conditions. 

Does anyone have any answers? This happened to my sister in law as well around the time I was pregnant with HotDog. I just don't understand it.


Ms. Jones said...

It would be very easy to give all the common responses to such a question. Possilbly he was sent here to receive a body and didn't need to receive the trials we face in this life and was ready to return home to his Father in Heaven or there's things we just don't understand in this life and our Father in Heaven sees the bigger picture. However, these comments wouldn't do my heart any good if I were these grieving parents or a friend who also feels a portion of their pain. So the best I can do is say that I know there is a plan for this life and why I don't understand everything that happens I know that Heavenly Father loves us and sends comfort during difficult times. I know that after my father died, an event I never thought I could make it through, my Savior was there. In the Book of Mormon we learn that our Savior not only paid for our sins but also felt every pain we would ever feel. By doing so, we can never go to Him and say you don't understand. He understands and is ready to provide the balm we need to make it through our trials. I'll pray for your friends that they receive the comfort I know they so disperately need at this time. As difficult as it is to understand, I know beauty comes from death. Friends you didn't know you had give support, loved ones grow closer, you learn to said the things that should be said before time runs out,and Heavenly Father and the Savior step in, if asked, like we never knew they could and provide comfort we never thought could come after such a tryings event. I hope this helps in some small way.

Nancy Ross said...

I'm so sorry that this has happened to your friend. Having a baby die is my worst nightmare - I just don't know how I'd cope. But awful things happen in this world and many of them to good people. I don't have the answer to this question.

Molly said...

This is one of the issues that I know all of the standard answers to, but I just plain don't understand. I have a long time friend of 15+ years who had a little boy that was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of 2 1/2 and died on his big brother's birthday at the age of 3 1/2. Through it all, she managed to remain positive, and I cried and cried. She cried a lot, too, but has been an incredible example of strength. It has been a couple of years since that happened, and although she must feel immeasurable pain, she has always been willing to tell anyone who wanted to know and share her experience and what she learned. I can't even fathom such a trial in my own life, but I know that it's possible to move on and be happy- she has taught me that. I wish your friend the very best and I hope that she can feel some measure of peace someday.

hmaimai said...

Life is not fair. That's my answer. The best thing to do is to make the best of what you have in your hands and try to find the best in people around you because that's what brings happiness. Extending the "bubble" of happiness and sharing good things with others.