Friday, April 25, 2008

3 Dresses for $3, I'm Not Kidding!

So I was returning some pants at Old Navy because Beau Brummel did not approve of them. I tried to not listen, but as usual, he was right and I saw that they were ugly. I kind of hate how my husband has a better sense of fashion than I do. 

Anyway while I was at O.N. I saw that these dresses were on sale for 97 cents a piece! Isn't that crazy cheap? The fabric is kind of a stretchy velvet, so these are more for church or fancy restaurants in the winter than our current season. They were originally $40. This first one is my favorite because it is brown and I think I might be able to wear it with jeans (but probably with skinny ankle ones) as a top as well as alone as a dress. The red one is my least favorite, but hey, for a dollar I think I'll keep it to wear at a Christmas party or as a costume (Mrs. Claus, a sexy vampiress). The black one serves as a little black dress. I know the sleeves are kind of funky, but I like funky. I happen to have shoes to match all three, but I think they all need necklaces. 

If you are wondering why my legs look a little scary muscular, it is because I am training for my local triathlon by riding 10 miles a day towing HotDog behind me on a tagalong. 


Nancy Ross said...

Wow - that is a crazy good deal! A few months ago, I hit Old Navy when they were having a 75% off of clearance sale (when practically everything was on clearance). Nearly every item was $3 and I bought all of Headbanger's clothes for the next year and a bunch of XL t shirts to get me through the last months of pregnancy. It was great!