Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Help! Please Post TinFoil Dinner Recipes

I desperately need some tasty tinfoil dinner recipes as I am going camping for the first time in 12 years this weekend and (gasp!) I don't have a dutch oven or a camping stove. Can you all please post some tinfoil dinner recipes for me? I need them for this weekend, Girls' Camp, Girl Scout Camp, and Scout Camp. For someone with an irrational fear of camping (because of weirdoes, wild animals and the all encompassing dark) I am sure am camping it up this summer (partly thanks to Willow;). Thanks!


Nancy Ross said...

I don't have any great foil dinner recipes, but I can tell you how NOT to cook one. Some not-particularly bright person decided long ago that the standard foil dinner would be ground beef and sliced potatoes. You put the raw meat in with the raw potatoes, roll it all up, and somehow they are supposed to be done AT THE SAME TIME. This person had CLEARLY never cooked these, or indeed anything else, before. So don't do it - don't put raw potatoes in with ANY foil dinner. The rules of cooking are not suspended when you're in nature. It will not magically come together.

That said, and knowing that you're veggie-leaning, I would try some foil kabobs. A bunch of peppers mixed with some onions, mushrooms and other soft-ish veggies (not carrots or potatoes), a bit of oil, salt and pepper, and you will be the ONLY one with a cooked-through foil dinner. Hmm, maybe a little grated cheese to go on top. For a meat eater, you might try adding a little ground beef or a hot dog. I'd avoid raw poultry, though pre-cooked would be fine.

If potatoes are a must, I would make sure that you bring them pre-boiled or even throw in a little pre-cooked mashed potato.

Think of foil dinners this way: anything that would work in your home oven in 20 minutes or less is ok, but everything else is out.

My two foil dinner cents.

LAR Girl said...

Thanks. The ground beef and potatoes that is so popular on every single related website is called a Hobo's dinner. Where would a hobo come across fresh ground beef? The potato I could see him finding in an abandoned potato field. I read some gross recipes online. Only the dessert ones sounded good to me: banana with chocolate and marshmallow, donut with pineapple, apple with carmel or cinnamon and sugar in the middle, cake batter in a hollowed out orange. I think we are going to stick with peanut butter and jelly and other non-perishables. I only remember cooking two things in a campfire at Girl's camp: pineapple upside down cake in a tuna can (how did we get all the tun flavor out of the can?) and a potato that never ever ever got baked even though we stuck it in the ashes for about 4 hours. I also remember some disgusting instant oatmeal and re-hydrated textured vegetable protein that was supposed to taste like chicken. The pineapple upside down cake was good though.

Nancy Ross said...

Flashlight has just reminded me that he and his brothers used to bring Arby's sandwiches whenever foil dinners were required. Really, its not a bad idea.

I love outdoor cooking, but foil dinners constitute the ghetto of outdoor cooking.

Susan said...

How about I swing by and pick up some take out Thai food and wrap it up in foil and pretend like I made it. Won't everyone be jealous...

Susan said...

I was camping last week with a friend and she made an amazing curry stew over the fire in a dutch oven. She just added coconut milk and some curry paste at the end for some zip. Oh, and we threw in kale too. The kids all loved it too. Maybe that's because they knew there would be marshmallows to chase it later.