Monday, October 20, 2008

The Proper Way to Weigh

So I have been getting very discouraged lately... I am pregnant with my twins and it seems like I am the land-locked equivalent of a blue whale. I am 28 weeks along and already bigger than I was when I delivered both of my other two kids at 40 weeks. My biggest problem is that I never really lost the baby weight from the last one (who is now 16 months old) and so I am just piling more and more on top of that. It feels like I'm drowning. My sweet hubby still tells me I'm beautiful and attractive, but I just don't see it. I am really past the point of any sort of exercise regimen for the duration of this pregnancy... mostly because things are so tight in there that I get winded and often light headed just walking across the room. Plus, I have major circulation issues in my legs while I'm pregnant which makes exercise really painful (horrible varicose veins). I need a good post-pregnancy diet/exercise plan to look forward to, but it can't be too restrictive because that never works... I will also have 3 babies and a 5 year old to deal with so it needs to be very flexible. Do any of you have a plan that worked really well for you?


Nancy Ross said...

I also need to lose about 20 lbs of baby weight. We bought an elliptical machine and put it in the basement. In the evenings, when the kids are in bed, Flashlight and I take turns using it. I'd love to say that we always do it regularly, but that would be a big fat lie. But I have been losing weight that way.

Nancy Ross said...

I also want to say that I feel for you and your pregnancy weight. With Headbanger, I gained 40 lbs and ended up being 190 lbs while only being 5'2" tall. As I didn't lose the baby weight between babies, I also ended up 190 lbs with Hairbaby. Short people were never meant to be that big!

LAR Girl said...

That is a big bummer. I know how you feel to a degree. I like the Body for Life eating plan, but I don't like the exercise plan because it is really made for people who want to be muscular. For exercise, I like Billy Blanks, but have to have the sound turned off because the stuff he says is so annoying. I like to run and cycle and lift very light weights. I also lurv kickboxing. I think your main problem will be childcare. Who will watch your children while you exercise? You might have to get up very early or stay up late to work it in. I think it is always hard to exercise when your children are not in school yet. Good luck! If you want it bad enough, you'll find a way to do it. You could trade babysitting with another mom or get a bike and a trailer or maybe a triple jogging stroller (is there such a thing?). Maybe a double jogger and get someone to just watch the 16 month old. You can also get arm and leg weights to strap on while you walk at a quick pace for extra calorie burning fun. These are things that I have tried myself and enjoyed. Does your church or base have an exercise class with childcare?

Willow said...

I think four kids under the age of five is the best diet plan ever! You're amazing!

Don't worry, just be patient with yourself, eat food that gives you energy rather than saps it, take your kids on lots of walks (you'll probably need a sling and a double stroller for that) and you'll see the pounds slip away.

Oh, and I tried to stay away from the scale and the mirror for the first few months after my babies were born. I've always thought that that initial extra chub was natures way of giving babies an extra cozy place to snuggle. Can you imagine trying to nurse up against a washboard stomach? Ouch!

It's great that you have an adoring husband.

hmaimai said...

I had 4 kids under 5 at some point, and really, I lost weight because of exhaustion. Same for my sister. We did not have time to have proper meals. If you want to loose weight, don't prepare a meal for you and just eat the leftovers from your kids. Ask your husband to eat whatever he wants. That's how it worked out for me basically. Do not to eat obviously unhealthy food too salty, too greasy or too sweat (anyway, if you only eat the food you give to your small ones, it will be obviously acceptable). No drinks outside mineralised water (with a lot of calcium and magnesium in it), and what you give to your little ones (a little bit of juice or milk once in a while). That should definitely help loosing weight. I had an aunt gaining a lot of weight after her pregnancies, but she was eating her own meal + the leftovers from her kids! Also she had a handicap at the leg that prevented her from exercising. For me, the nervous rythm of having to watch after so many little ones who don't listen a word of what you tell them was enough to make me melt down.