Friday, February 22, 2008

Cook Book Review-Deceptively Delicious

So who has picky eaters out there? I am going to call my kids Jedi, PetShopGirl, and Hotdog for this blog. Jedi hates pasta, cheese, tomatoes and squash. PerShopGirl hates everything except pasta, potatoes and cheese. Hotdog eats everything except cold cereal and popcorn. I don't care for meat, but I will eat chicken, turkey and fish. Beau Brummel (my husband) eats everything except cream cheese, sour cream, mayo, butter, and cottage cheese. He isn't a big fan of cheese in general unless it is in something.

The one thing that has improved at mealtime for us is using Jessica Seinfield's Deceptively Delicious cookbook. The theory behind the book is to sneak pureed vegetables into regular food. It takes a little bit of extra preparation to steam and puree the veggies ahead of time, but I think it is worth it since my kids don't really like to eat vegetables.

So far my kids like the mac and cheese with butternut squash (except Jedi), the blueberry oatmeal bars with spinach, scrambled eggs with cauliflower, pink pancakes with beets, yellow cake mix with pumpkin and tacos with carrots. I have looked everywhere for brown rice crispies (not cocoa flavor, regular). Does anyone know if I can get them at Trader Joe's? You can make rice crispie treats with them and they have more whole grain fiber in them.

Anyway, back to the recipes from J.S. My kids hated the buttered noodles with yellow squash, sweet potato hot cocoa and cauliflower frosting (duh on that last one).

Has anyone else tried any of the recipes and had their kids like them? I think it is really amusing that PetShopgirl (who has actually thrown up at the table when we tried to have her eat some plain steamed butternut squash) ate as much butternut squash mac and cheese as her dad did.

I pretty much like the book, but have to hide it from the kids. Jedi found me out on the blueberry bars with spinach and hasn't forgotten it so I can't make those anymore. My nephew detected the butternut squash in some mac and cheese and said it didn't taste right, but he is a purist and has the family blessing/curse of a hypersensitive sense of smell and taste.

I am happy to post a couple recipes from the book if anyone is interested or you could go to her website.


Molly said...

I'm afraid that I can't help you... Sally eats everything except sour cream. But I have heard of adding carrots & zucchini to smoothies.

Ms. Jones said...

I would love some recipes

Dave and Mindy said...

I got the cookbook for Christmas and have made a few things. I made the applesauce muffins today and thought that they were good. My family hated Mac & Cheese #1 with the cream cheese. I love adding carrots and broccoli to Ragu speggetti sauce. I also liked the speggetti pie.

The problem that I am having is that my husband hates most everything, especially because he knows that I have the cookbook and always asks what I put in everything. It is really getting hard to find anything to make at dinner except his 5 staple meals. I am so bored with those meals, and I can't come up with anything to make. Any suggestions?

LAR Girl said...

What are his five staple meals? I can get a better idea of what to make him if I already know what he likes.

Beau Brummel (my husband) was hesitant about the food as well, but I have convinced him to eat it to set a good example for the kids. He eats it all now, except some of the desserts. He did eat chocolate cake with beets in it though.

I wouldn't follow her recipes exactly to the t. I use regular recipes for stuff that we already like (turkey burgers and mac and cheese) and just add the pureed veggies to my own recipes for stuff. I don't believe in all her non/low fat ideas because my kids are on the thin side. So most of the time when she says use margarine, I use butter. I never use the cream cheese in any recipe.