Saturday, July 5, 2008


Willow suggested that I make this blog for authors only. That means no one else would be able to look at the blog. In the comments, cast your vote to either make it for authors only or keep it open for all to read. I feel indifferent about it, but will bow to the will of the majority. Thanks!


Nancy Ross said...

I vote for keeping the blog open and allowing others to read it. I read several mommy blogs written by people I don't know in real life and have really benefited from them. Perhaps someone will stumble across our blog and read something they identify with or that helps them get through their day.

Molly said...

I have to agree with Chicken Little on this one, it could really be helpful to other moms like us... or even just entertaining (like it usually is for me).

Dwayne the bathtub... said...

I feel like a Mervyn's commercial. Open, open, open...

Susan said...

Alright ladies, I see which way the wind blows. It's fine with me if we leave it the way it is.

I was thinking about why I like the idea of making it closed and it is for totally personal reasons.

I have older children (12 & 10) and we talk about nearly everything. We are really good friends. We read together, cook together, laugh together, bike together, share the bathroom, shower, get the idea. They know I am on this blog and they know my name is Willow. I'm not sure how but they probably asked. I have asked them not to read it and they've respected that. However, one day they'll invariably get curious.

I can envision a moment when I might want to post something about them. Perhaps wanting advice or sharing something funny. I remember the day long ago when my mom told me about sex. I was, frankly, disgusted. Later that day, I heard my mom and dad in their room talking about my reaction and giggling. I felt a little humiliated. I understand now but at the time, I felt like they were laughing at me. I like the idea of being able to write whatever I want here without editing it in case my girls stumble upon it at some point.

I'm sure there's a lesson in here for me somewhere.

Ms. Jones said...

I'm indifferent and will go with the flow!

Melissa said...

How else will I keep up with all your cuteness?!

LAR Girl said...

Willow, you could always sign on as a different name and just not tell your girls and if you want to post something about them, you could do it under that new name, but still keep your old one as well.

hmaimai said...

I have no opinion