Friday, July 11, 2008

Worst Mothering Moments

As I embark on my childless trip to Spain and England, I leave you with some funny, but shameful bad mommy moments:

I made some empanadas for a food group and they literally took about 2 days to make. I was an empanada factory for 48 hours. We were short on kid friendly food and so Beau Brummel decided to heat up some empanadas for the kids. HotDog ate them and liked them. Jedi plugged his nose while he ate them, but still ate them. Sassafrass complained and whined and cried and said she would throw up if I made her eat them. (When she said this I remembered a story my friend in England told me about when her sister threw up some peas and her mother made her eat the barfed up peas.) So I told Sassafrass if she threw up empanadas I would make her eat her barf. So of course she threw up empanadas, but I couldn't stick to my threat and make her eat her barf. So I am a double bad mom for making a ridiculous threat and then not following through on my ridiculous threat. But if that sounds bad, get a load of this . . . 

We lived in Hawaii when I was little. One of my friends lived all the way on the other side of the island we lived on. I was headed over there for a playdate and halfway there I decided I didn't want to go and asked my mom to take me home. Instead she pulled over and made me get out of the car next to a sugar cane field and then she drove off. I guess my younger sister freaked out. After all, I was 6 at the time and she was three. She screamed for my mom to go back and get me and just wouldn't stop screaming. So my mom turned around and picked me up. But she claims that if my sister hadn't cried for me I would probably still be in that sugar cane field today. Once, when hiking through Yosemite my mom got tired of another sister's whining and stuck her in a trash can and walked away. My dad pulled her out. I could go on and on about the times we were temporarily abandoned, but that isn't really the point.

Stuff like that puts things in perspective for me. I don't feel so bad when I think to myself, well at least I am not abandoning my kids by the side of the road, ever.

That was cathartic. Please share your worst mothering moments, they can't be anywhere near as bad as the above. And since I'm not six and stranded in a sugar cane field, they are kind of funny now.


Molly said...

Even though this was really hilarious, I felt a little bit bad about it... I mean, at the time this happened, Sally was only 3 years old and really had no idea what was going on. About a year and a half ago, I was talking to my mom on the phone (venting after a particularly frustrating day with Sally) and I said that she had been such a beast that I was just about ready to kill her. She was in the living room watching Dora and I was in the dining room at the computer desk. Anyway, so after I said that, I hear Sally say, "What? you can't just KILL me!?!" And I laughed and laughed. After that she was extra lovey... giving me hugs & kisses all the time and telling me that she loves me (as if she was trying to ensure her survival). She also asked at least 2 or 3 times a day, "Mom, your not gonna send me back, right?"... HAHAHA!!! I'm not really sure where that one came from... I don't remember ever saying that I was going to send her back... and I'm not even sure where "back" is... but there ya go. Be careful.... they're ALWAYS listening, even though there are times that you are certain that they can't even HEAR you and you see no sign of auditory regognition whatsoever.

LAR Girl said...

Molly that is HILARIOUS! And thank you for commenting, I was beginning to think that people were offended that I would suggest that moms sometimes make really big mistakes with their kids. I can just see Sally hugging you and kissing you to ensure her survival. Hahahahah:)