Sunday, June 15, 2008

Treat yourself to a retreat

All this talk lately has taken me back to a few retreats I've taken in my last twelve years of parenting and housewifeing.  Most of them have involved either camping or backpacking alone or with a good friend, but one of my favorites has to be when I went to Kripalu, a yoga retreat center  in the Massachusetts Berkshires.  At the time, the program I did was called Danskinetics,   Danskinetics is all about exploring inner rhythm and expressive movement.   The first day felt a little awkward for me because I felt very exposed in a way that I was unaccustomed to, but after half a day or so, something opened up inside me that washed it all away.  My favorite moment of all was a mid-day dance to the music of  live world drummers.  There were so many people having such a great time that some of us ended up outside dancing barefoot in a rainstorm for an hour.  There was another moment where the instructor played music and asked us to dance through a painful experience we'd had in our lives.  Ok, I know, it all sounds a bit new agey but it was really amazing.

At the beginning of the retreat, I spent a lot of time thinking about what I might learn and I analyzed everything.  After a short time I realized that I learn more by doing than by analyzing every step.  So I checked reflection at the door and threw myself into life and tried to soak up every moment of freedom and movement and sensational organic, vegetarian cooking,  yoga and long walks and going to bed/waking up when I darn well felt like it and just having fun.

Several days after I got home, the things I learned starting surfacing.   I  took away from the experience a greater sense of genuine self-acceptance and acceptance of everyone around me.  I  took away a real understanding that taking care of myself is a crucial piece of fulfilling my desire to be a good mother, wife, friend, sister, daughter, etc.  Wow, it makes me want to go back...

If you could have a few days away to do anything or go anywhere alone, where would you go and what would you do?  Have you ever had a formal or informal retreat that hit the spot?


Nancy Ross said...

If there was a retreat that taught you about yoga and massage and some new-agey relaxation skills, I would SO be there. I'm sure that these things exist, I just haven't been. A few years ago, I tried yoga briefly and think that its something that I could get into and I love giving and receiving massage. I find that I can be happy when I'm relaxed and just can't when I'm not, so I'd love to learn more relaxation techniques.

LAR Girl said...

If I could go on a retreat I would go to some kind of vegetarian/knitting/fitness/cycling/kickboxing/yoga camp. Yes, I think that covers it . . . maybe with a little book club thrown in. The only time I can remember going to a retreat was with my dad. It was a Vegan Convention. We ate vegan food all week, there were even some fruitarians there. I also remember doing yoga every morning and being the youngest person in the class, I think I was 9 or 11 or something. At the time I could do crow, tripod and headstand with ease. I think now it would take quite a bit of effort to do those poses. Your experience sounds so cool. I totally analyze ad nauseum and sometimes ruin things for myself by doing that. I would like to learn to let go and just enjoy life as it comes. I admire that about you Willow.