Saturday, August 2, 2008

Cheap Dates Fo' Po' Folks

I don't know about you gals, but I am always looking for ways to save money. Babysitting is usually free when we use our babysitting co-op, but when we don't our dates cost twice as much. Once, a sorority girl babysat for us and her fee cost twice as much as what we spent on the date! It ain't right. I read this article that had some good ideas for cheap dates that are fun, but won't wound your wallet.


Susan said...

Thanks Opal. We're always up for cheap date ideas. I'd love to hear more ideas. I think doing new and interesting things as a couple is great for your friendship and romance. Some of our favorites are:

-Talking without being uninterrupted! (this is our favorite and can be done most anywhere-except our house and is totally free)
-Free poetry readings & tea & cookies at the university.
-Free jazz concerts, foreign films on campus.
-Talks and forums about interesting topics on campus
-Nighttime hikes (My favorites are late night hikes. I pack a big blanket, candles & matches and well, a few other things..) Setting up a good distance from the trail is advised.
-Hikes with NSA (no strings attached)
-Italian sodas at the local cafe-on a band night if we're up for it, or a quiet night if not.
-Mountain biking or a nice evening road ride.
-Racquetball, swimming and/or sauna at the gym
-One evening we went to the mountains and road bikes and brought a picnic, the laptop and a movie for after (make sure you charge the battery on the laptop so it doesn't shut down in a good part). Don't forget a flashlight to get back to the car!

Nancy Ross said...

My mom used to drag me to art gallery openings for the free food. She was an artist, but still, I always knew that we were there to sample the food.

Flashlight and I love to go on walks. When we lived in in England, we walked together all of the time, often to get somewhere and sometimes just to take in the scenery. Those walks were some of the best times of our early marriage.

Melissa said...

If that girl wasn't wearing a tank top, that could be a picture of you and Collin. Hope you had fun in England, because so far I haven't. But things are looking up.

Melissa said...
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Melissa said...

Yes, of course I meant to double post that last comment.

LAR Girl said...

OK, what do you hate about England Melissa? I'm so interested because there were things I disliked while I was there. But there were also things I loved: digestive biscuits, blackcurrant flavored everything, the countryside, the accents, Eastenders, and once you make friends you are friends for life.

Melissa said...

Oh, mostly just the moving aspect. I love the country, we just haven't been able to get out and see it yet. And I HATE being a passenger in a UK spec auto. And the teeny tiny roads. Anywho, Once I get out and experience a little more, I'm sure we'll have lots to talk about.

Nancy Ross said...

Things I love about England, in no particular order:
1. the Archers theme music
2. Women's Hour
3. Trains
4. River Cottage programs
5. walking everywhere
6. custard
7. things smothered in custard
8. Indian food
9. the countryside
10. my friends who still live there
...and the list goes on