Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Grateful Heart

Many moms, me included, complain at times at the life we are called to lead as "stay-at-home moms". There has been more than one occasion that I have prayed for more in my life, had wished that there was more to my life than tending four kids. But tonight after reading this blog & here I'll be on my knees thanking my Father in Heaven that tomorrow morning will find Jack coming into my room at 6:15am. I'll thank my Father in Heaven for the fact that I won't be able to go back to sleep because for the next thirty minutes or so Jack will carry on a conversation with his hands. Right when I think this conversation is over and I just might get back to sleep, I'll have to say another prayer of gratitude for the "Ma" I hear coming from the crib in the next room. Asher is awake and the first thing he'll want is me. Not long after this prayer is complete, I'll have another conversation with the Lord and thank Him for the two little girls who just climbed in bed with me. I'll keep that prayer in my heart even when they fight over the covers and push their little brother out of the way so that they can have their backs rubbed. Instead of praying to make it through the day tomorrow, I'll thank my Heavenly Father because I stumbled upon a blog which made me grateful to be a mother of four.


Steve Jordan said...
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LAR Girl said...

You are so right! It only takes someone else's tragedy to put things in perspective for us and help us appreciate what we've got. Thanks for that post.

Willow said...

Thanks for the post Ms. Jones. What a heart breaking story. I'm amazed at how this morther is handling the loss of her daughter. I had a similar reaction to yours. I am so thankful for my children and every moment I have with them.

My brother's wife died suddenly three years ago. She was 39 and they had four daughters. This was another event in my life that really caused me to reflect on the importance of every day and whether my children really know how I feel about them based on how I am with them.