Saturday, May 17, 2008


Sassafrass' Girl Scout Troop went skating and it was a blast. I think I got a pretty good inner thigh work out and it was nice to skate around the smooth rink with the disco ball and strobe lights with the warm air rushing over my face and through my hair. It brought me right back to 5th and 6th grade when I used to go skating at the Golden Skate in San Ramon, CA (you know what I am talking about, Dwayne . . .). They even played some of the same music (Double Dutch by Frankie Smith) and had some of the same games (limbo and  freeze skate), but not shoot the duck. 

Jedi and Sassafrass hadn't been roller skating since we lived in England a couple years ago and had couple weeks' worth of lessons. The last time I roller skated was 10 years ago at classic skating in Orem, UT on disco night with Beau Brummel. I guess he didn't roller skate much growing up because during the couples skate he tripped and instead of letting go of my hand, he tried to use my arm as a rope and pull himself up it going hand over hand which resulted in him taking me down. 

I had so much fun and didn't fall once even when my children were grabbing onto me. Roller skating was a really fun and nostalgic experience, I highly recommend it as a date or something fun to do with your kids. (I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE UNDERLINING IS ABOUT, BUT I CAN'T GET RID OF IT!)

Are there any fun things you used to do as a kid that you want your own children to experience?


Molly said...

I remember going roller skating with my friends- about 5th or 6th grade, too. We had school parties there and anybody who was anybody was a regular at the local rink. My early childhood was spent on the outskirts of a very small town (like 1500 people small) where I was related to half of them. I wish my kids could have the freedom I had, leaving on our bikes first thing in the morning and only returning for meals. I remember playing in huge vacant fields and exploring the hills with my friends. We also lived on a huge lot with plenty of animals (chickens, ducks, turkeys, sheep, cows, horses, goats, rabbits, dogs, cats). I guess you could say I grew up on a farm or that I was a farm girl- either way, it was the best childhood in the world! I really wish my kids could experience life like that, but the world is just too scary now to let them have that sort of freedom. Plus, we have always lived more of a city life than a country life. Anyhoo, my all time favorite childhood memory was "night games" in the middle of the street with all of the neighborhood kids. I don't remember much about the games themselves, but I remember loving every minute!

Dwayne the bathtub... said...

Ah, The Golden Skate! Where Brian Erb reigned as king! Makes me wanna peg my pants, skate to NKOTB, and "shoot the duck". Those were the days.

LAR Girl said...

The Golden Skate is where Brian Erb (he could rex, cross skates one in front of another, he must have lived there) dumped me for Sarah Rohl in 6th grade. That was a real bummer, but nonetheless I still lurv the Golden Skate.