Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Are they weird or am I?

You gals have got to see this. I think it is a little creepy. I'm all for letting kids decide when to stop nursing, but these two girls are going to have trouble later on in life I think from the attachment to their mom's boobs. Tell me what you think.


Nancy Ross said...

I know that its not nearly as extreme - and I do think that my 8 years old its time to move on - but I've been wondering what to do if Headbanger wants to try the breast again when the new baby is born. Headbanger will be 15 months old by then and still definitely a baby. I think I'm ok with it, but what if its more than a few times. Is it ok to re-establish breastfeeding in an older baby? I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Susan said...

OK, I'm not into nursing 8 year olds either. Sometimes I admire people who are willing to be that far out of the mainstream but I must admit it feels weird, to say the least. However, when my second child was on her way, my oldest was 19 months. I wasn't ready to wean her and neither was she but I never even dreamed of nursing two. I didn't realize anyone did. Since then, I've known many, very normal people who nurse two without any problem. I'll never forget my oldest, at 16 months, sitting on my lap and lifting up my shirt, then putting it back down and burying her face in my chest and crying.

LAR Girl said...

chicken little, I have heard of many people who do what is called tandem nursing. The thing is that they usually nurse throughout pregnancy and just have to consume a ton of calories to keep up with producing breastmilk and housing a baby as well. My guess is that if she isn't nursing now, she probably won't want to restart when the baby is born because it will have been so long. This is different, but similar. Jedi was addicted to pacifiers. We weaned him off of those and then a few months later he found one he had squirreled away somewhere. He put it in his mouth, but didn't get much enjoyment out of it and spit it out a few minutes later.

Willow, that is so sad about your oldest. I can just see that in my mind. :(

Molly said...

wow! I can't imagine having a child nursing at that age. It seems way beyond any sort of "security blanket" type syndrome- just plain weird. I think those girls will grow up and be very socially disjointed. I can relate to the tenderness you feel for a nursing baby- my second baby nursed for 8 months and I was really sad when I had to wean him because of medication I had to begin taking. Nursing is one of the sweetest things a mother can experience, but I think there is definately a limit on how far it should be allowed to go.

Susan said...

I watched this with my 12 and 10 year old daughters. They thought it was odd, according to my 10 year old, "disgusting". My 12 year old, after thinking about it for a minute said, "I think it's the connection they want." I think she's right. I think we all have to find ways to connect with our kids as individuals. Sometimes it's hard, esp. when you have more than one! I suppose the woman in this video feels like this is this is the best way she can maintain that connection with her kids. I'm personally happy that my breasts are my own again and that my son doesn't have special names for them. I'll take long walks in the woods and stories in bed instead!