A lot of funny stuff happened at camp. There were a bunch of harmless pranks, the girl pictured had her sleeping bag cornstarched by her friend. It was all in good fun because they are both pranksters who played pranks together.
Another girl stole a bunch of bras and underwear from some adult leaders and before she could run them up the flagpole or freeze them, the camp director came out and said absolutely no pranks. So the girl silently opened a locker in the bathroom and pointed to the unmentionables in front of me. I put them in a plastic bag and was trying to decide what to do with them when an adult leader came up and said, "Give me back my bra! I know you have it."
One lady grabbed her sleeping bag during the day and went to take a nap in a different cabin, clouds of cornstarch were billowing out of it as she walked along trying to find somewhere to take a nap (she had been up until 5 a.m. sorting out drama). She felt bad because someone poured cornstarch in her sleeping bag after she had officially banned pranks. She took her nap in the nurses' station and then started walking across the camp. A girl (I nicknamed her Sporty Spice) came running towards her:
Sporty Spice: Sister K, I've been looking all over for you!
Sister K : I bet you have! (Thinking it was this girl who had pranked her.)
Sporty Spice:What are you doing with my sleeping bag?
Sister K: This is MY sleeping bag!
Sporty Spice: No, it is my sleeping bag.
Sister K: (Looking down) Look, here on the label it says . . . oh you're right, it is your bag.
Then Sister K felt better because she had pranked herself and it wasn't one of the girls.
Someone put a hair net in my secret sister pouch with a note: hair net, please use. I started worrying that one of my hairs fell into someone's food and seriously considered wearing the hair net the next time I was in the camp kitchen. It turned out that the head cook stuck it in my pouch as a joke.
Some of the girls were big Rugrats fans and kept singing, "Cynthia, Cynthia, she's a really cool dancer," from Rugrats the movie. We had a lot to discuss in terms of cartoons. BTW, the way to say, "I'm ready, promotion" from SpongeBob the movie in Spanish is, "estoy listo, asenscio."
There are those you can and those you can't prank. Wisdom is knowing the difference! Retrospectively, one not to prank would have beem Eli. M., if you know what I mean. Some people are a little fragile.
Oh, did I tell you? Guess who was camp nurse last year? One Ellie Greenan. Isn't that funny? We had a great time catching up and reminiscing about the year that someone stepped on her face while she was sleeping and left a huge boot print on her cheek. Do you remember that? I do. Like it was yesterday. Not that it would be filed under the funny category.
Unfortunately, pranks have been completely banned for girls and leaders alike in the Danville Stake. Not that it stops the leaders... I like to think that my unofficial calling is "Putting the F-U-N back into Camp".
I forgot all about about Eli. M! Wow! I feel so bad all over again. What makes girls so mean? I don't remember the boot print, but I do remember trying to shout instructions to someone on how to put in a tampon. I also remember learning a lot about sex from that same girl. She developed really early. Don't you think it is amazing that we never got caught for our stupid prank in the leader bathroom?
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