Sunday, June 8, 2008

If you were a spice...

This evening, several of the Relief Society Presidency came over to visit. I'm almost 35 weeks along and they wanted to see how I was doing and if they could help with anything. I've been impressed with this presidency, as they seem to be a pretty well-oiled machine.

One of them made the comment that I'm "spicy" - that my life experience is so very different from the other sisters in our ward, who have spent most of their lives in Southern Utah. I was surprised at the word "spicy" and the sister clarified that I was "good spicy". I wasn't offended but thought that this was a funny comment. To me, I'm fairly tame Chicken Little. Sure, I've lived in Scotland, England, have a doctoral degree and some other unusual experiences, but I really don't see myself as spice-material. Maybe a bland spice - like garlic salt or dessicated onion (to me, garlic and onions are mild), but definitely not cayenne pepper or cumin. Heck, I'm not even as exciting as pre-ground black pepper.

Are you spicy? What kind of spice do you identify with?


LAR Girl said...

I had someone who I consider very very very adventurous and fun say to my husband that I have an adventurous spirit. That made me feel really good because most of the time I think of myself as kind of boring. In terms of what I eat I think I would have to go with something relatively boring like fresh ground pink peppercorns, but maybe I would go with wasabi as my personality. I am fun and Asian and sweet and hot ;) at the same time. Plus, a little goes a long way.

Chicken Little, I think you are spicy, especially in Utah. I would say a combo of lemon grass (because it seems intelligent) and ginger (because you are a great conversationalist). You are never bland! Put those garlic salt thoughts out of your mind!

Nancy Ross said...

Thanks for the spicy pick-me-up! I think that you're definitely wasabi - wasabi is a fantastic spice!

nutellafiend said...

I think I am a little spicy. Maybe I'll go with paprika. I enjoy reading all your spicy posts Chicken Little.

Nancy Ross said...

Thanks! I enjoy writing them!