Saturday, June 28, 2008

Those Summer Ni-hites

So we had the best time at the Drive-In movies with some friends of ours. I swear, HotDog had a great time too in spite of his frowny face. We got all the kids dressed in their pajamas before heading over to our friend's house for dinner. It was BYOM (bring your own meat). Afterwards, my friend popped a bunch of popcorn and we all drove over to the Point Drive-In Movie Theater. We saw Kung Fu Panda, followed by Indiana Jones. (Two movies for the price of one!) We sat on chairs and blankets for Kung Fu Panda and the kids all caught fireflies and pigged out on candy and popcorn. The night air was warm and breezy. I felt like I had walked straight into Grease with Danny and Sandy, but alas, no cool kitschy candy and hot dogs marching across the screen. 

You could buy cotton candy, popcorn, regular candy, hot dogs and FUNNEL CAKE there though and after the first movie everything is half price in the concession stand. We didn't buy anything that time because we had just eaten dinner and the yummiest cake in the world at my friend's house. It had 10 candy bars mixed into the frosting. I think I'll get it from her and post it. Beau and I were chowing down on candy bar cake during IJ because she kindly packed some for us in a Tupperware. Once Indiana Jones started, we put pillows and blankets down in the back of the car and the kids went to sleep.

The only cons were that the sound wasn't great since it was coming from a radio station and out through our car speakers and the movies started really late to begin with so I dozed off a few times during both movies.

The Drive In movies get a big thumbs up from our family, a really fun start to our summer. I highly recommend it, especially if you are a night owl.


Nancy Ross said...

I love Hotdog's frowny face! So cute! And a drive-in movie sounds like fun - I've never been.

Ms. Jones said...

We also had a great time!! Let's do it again this summer!

Susan said...

This looks so fun Opal! I'd love to go to the drive in this summer. Don't you love summer? I find I feel so carefree and silly and easy about life. We stay up late, eat candy in bed while we watch movies and wear bare feet whenever possible. Today I went outside in a rainstorm in bare feet and splashed in the puddles.