Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Child Eats Bugs

Q. What is more revolting than find a dead bug on your child's lip?
A. Finding half a bug on your child's lip.

Recently, my sister-in-law told me a story that a friend had told her. The friend is watching her toddler play in their back yard, when the toddler spots a large cockroach (they're everywhere in the Southwest). As the toddler reaches for the roach, the conversation goes something like this:

Mom: "No!"
Toddler "I eat the bug!"
Mom: "NO! NO BUG!"
Toddler: "Mama, I EAT THE BUG!"

The scene ends with the mother wrestling the child away.

I would love to be able to tell you that Headbanger has never eaten a cockroach. I really would. But twice I've seen her chewing on something suspicious and have pulled out cockroach pieces. We have a clean home and routinely spray for pests, but these awful creatures love the climate.

Its been a while since the last cockroach incident, but yesterday I found half of a dead fly on her lip. There's no doubt in my mind where the other half went.

So what's worse - eating cockroaches or eating flies? Or are they equally gross?


LAR Girl said...

I think they are equally gross. I once knowingly ate a fly as a 3 year old. It landed on a spoon I was eating cereal with and I saw it and ate it. Jedi, when just a baby, at some kind of caterpillar. My sister ate a slug when she was a baby. Two weekends ago when we were in Boston we were in this awesome little variety food store and they carried dehydrated lightly spiced grasshoppers and some kind of wormy things as well. They also had lollipops with worms or scorpions in them. I wouldn't worry about her eating bugs too much. They are a good source of protein and so far she hasn't gotten sick right? Just look away and pretend you don't see. She might be doing it because she knows you don't like it.

Susan said...

Yuck! Maybe she needs protein! Much of the world gets their protein (and other important nutrients) from insects. We went to a insect show at a nearby university and they served all sorts of chocolate covered 6-legged, 3-body parted critters. I wasn't convinced.

Nancy Ross said...

I have to say that eating a slug, in my opinion, is MUCH grosser than eating a fly.

nutellafiend said...

I don't know, in France they eat snails which are just unhomeless slugs with garlic and butter. But maybe anything tastes better with garlic and butter. Watch out for headbanger later, she sounds very headstrong and rebellious;}