Saturday, February 23, 2008

Can I vent a little?

So after several years of marriage, I finally gave in and let my husband, let's call him Guy Noir, get a dog. It's been a struggle, because I believe that dogs belong outside and he believes that dogs belong in the house with the family. You see, I believe that if dogs were meant to live in houses, God would have made them smart enough to build one... and he wouldn't have given them fur coats. Sorry to all of you dog-lovers out there, but it's becoming a big struggle for me. I certainly don't believe that we should be mean to dogs, they are God's creatures and deserve respect, but they absolutely don't belong in the house. I don't care if he has a heated doggy mansion outside, as long as it's not in MY house.
Here's the problem: we live in a place where it's illegal to keep dogs outdoors all the time, so he has to live in the house. He's 8 months old, and we got him about 6 months ago. At first he was kinda cute (except for the potty-on-the-carpet issue and chewing everything in sight). And I really thought that he would grow on me, but it seems that the longer we have him, the less I like him. He still chews up my daughter's toys- except now he takes them and hides to chew them up. And he steals my baby's food and licks INSIDE his mouth!! sooo gross! Basically, I know he's just a dog doing doggy things, but it's driving me crazy. I hate having to find a doggy-sitter if I ever have to go anywhere for more than a day. I hate half-chewed, soggy rawhide bones all over the house. I hate poop all over the back yard, and the holes he keeps digging. And I hate him barking like crazy every time one of the neighbors comes or goes.
Guy Noir is great at taking care of him when he's here, but he works away a lot and even when he's here, he works 12 hour days regularly. The dog is Guy Noir's pride and joy, but he is the bane of my existence. Am I being irrational?


Ms. Jones said...

I dread the day my family talks me into getting a dog. Every peeve you mentioned I definitely would also have with having a dog. I also HATE their fur. I love puppies for about a minute and then its over for me. So don't feel like your the only one. There are others out there who aren't quite fond of dogs.

LAR Girl said...

Molly! I had such a close shave with the getting a dog thing. We have been talking about getting one for awhile, but I am pretty against it because I grew up with way too many animals around and outside the house. At my dad's we had 13 cats (2 were indoor, the rest outdoor), a dog, fish, newts, a rat, a mouse, ducks and a frog. At my mom's we had dogs, chickens, a turtle, goats and birds. I think I have post traumatic stress syndrome from having too many animals.

Anyway, Beau Brummel and the kids decide they all want a puppy. We are literally the only people in our neighborhood of about 15 houses that do not have at least one dog. B.B. gets online and starts looking at websites featuring dogs and decides that we should get a puggle (pug/beagle cross). There is a four day weekend coming up and he wants us to take a road trip to an Amish puggle farm in upstate New York. LUCKILY no one could sub for my Sunday School class that weekend. We didn't end up going and we decided that for now we couldn't handle the expense and trouble finding a dog sitter because we travel a lot in the summer.

I knew that getting a dog would be like having a newborn. And then what would be the point of B.B. getting a vasectomy? I knew I would be the one taking care of the dog and dealing with all the poop and pee and misbehavior. I like the idea of a dog for the kids to play with, but hate the smell and shedding that comes with a dog.

B.B.'s family are totally dog lovers. They kiss their dogs on the mouth and let them sleep in their beds. I dodged a bullet and am hoping that we don't have the let's get a dog fever for another few years at least.

Don't feel bad. I am totally anti-dog right now too!

Dwayne the bathtub... said...

I'm a little late to the game but here's my two cents (actually with inflation it should be more like two dollars now!). First a caveat, we have a dog. Let's call him Perfect Pooch or PP for short. He was our first child and so was good preparation for when the real thing came along. Now with 3 kids and a dog I feel your pain and angst. I will say though, he is the only one who doesn't talk back, he never pees where isn't supposed to, and generally is a very well behaved guy.

We got lucky or we had a lot more time and money to put into training BC (before children). I don't think I could ever get another dog. I'm sure it wouldn't be as obedient or endearing. Then again I thought I was done with being pregnant with just two kids. You never know. I would advise you to tell your hubby to spend his doggie time at a basic obedience course and lots of exercise to wear it out. See, it's just like having kids!