Sunday, February 24, 2008

How cute . . . I mean how embarrassing

The kids were singing in church today in front of the entire congregation. Jedi and HotDog were standing next to each other and HotDog is so short he couldn't see. Jedi lifted him up onto a stool next to the podium and then was hugging him and stuff. I heard people behind me saying, "Look at those brothers being so cute," etc. Then Hot Dog decided he was bored and started swinging a toy around on a string that he had pulled out of his pocket. Jedi (trying to make HotDog be good) took the toy away and kept singing. HotDog stopped singing and started crying up on the stand. 

Angry tears were coursing down his face as he POUNDED his fist on the podium next to the microphone. So the song went like this La la (thump) la la (thump) la (thump). By this time HotDog was in complete meltdown mode and just sobbing loudly and thumping. The chorister, who was leading the music, lifted him over the barrier and held him until I could get up there. I was mortified, but laughing at the same time. That one is going to go down in our book of Classic Kid Meltdowns. Has anyone else had their kids do stuff like this?


Molly said...

last time Sally had to sing in front of everyone at church she picked her nose. that was very nice.