Friday, February 22, 2008

Snow Day (Again!)

I wish I could be Samantha from Bewitched on Snow Days. I could just twitch my nose and speed the day up or get the cleaning out of the way or come up with some entertainment for my kids or make the snow disappear altogether. 

For anyone who doesn't live in the Eastern U.S., a snow day is a day when it snows a ton or just enough to trap you in your house all day (without warning) with your kids. The schools close because the roads are too dangerous for buses and cars to drive on. I have had too many snow days this year, I think 8 or more and I am fed up!

I love them but, my kids usually try to spend the day watching t.v., playing wii, fighting with each other and whining to me. I decided that I needed a plan of attack. Here is how we are going to spend our day: a little t.v. and wii and/or webkinz followed by reading/quiet time (older kids read or get read to while the youngest takes a nap) followed by lunch and craft time followed by chore time (hopefully it will stop snowing so we can get out there and clear the driveway and walkway) followed by dinner and board games. I may tweak this schedule a little bit by adding playing alone in their rooms time if they get too crazy, after all I might need some knitting/reading/scrap booking time for me somewhere in the mix. I'll have earned it, right?

What do you all do on days where you are trapped in the house? 


Molly said...

my little girl likes to write letters for family far away when we're stuck inside. She also loves tracing her whole body (on roll out paper or poster boards) and decorating it. Then we put it on her bedroom door with her name :)

Nancy Ross said...

I grew up in Maine and we had about 8-10 snow days per year. Throughout the winter, I would pray for them. My brother and sister and I would always spend some time playing outside, even if it was in the middle of a blizzard and we froze after 10 minutes. Such fun!

Ms. Jones said...

Today after the boys naps we are making kites. Then I'm going to tape them to the ceiling, get out the fan and lay underneath them with the kids. My girls are into kites for some reason these days. So that will at least take 10 minutes of another dreaded snow day.