Friday, February 22, 2008

Welcome Tokyomama


How do you do food storage where you live? Is it possible with such a small space? Can you get wheat, powdered milk, etc., there? What are some of the challenges you face as a homemaker in Japan? I mean besides riding your bike to church with on child on the front and one child on the back of the bike.


K.O. said...

Fortunately, we moved a year and a half ago. When I finally admitted to myself that we're here for the long haul, I forced my husband to make the move from our 650 sq ft apartment to a larger one around the corner. So now we have a little more space. I can hang my clothes and we even bought a minivan to give rides to all the people who have no cars--because on a cold, hot, or rainy day, everyone here would love a ride home (or at least to the station).

As for food storage, we inherited about 6 cans of hard wheat. I just made some no knead wheat bread from, my new favorite site. (actually, I'm liking the inthemotherhood site a lot!) Other than that, I buy hoards of food at costco when I can stand the 45 minute drive and hope I could live off beans, diced tomato s and corn (and all the candy i have laying around the house) in the event of an earthquake--scary thought.

Today I rode with one child in the front and one on the back of my bike--survival technique to get somewhere faster than walking.