You've got to check out Fancy Nancy by Jane O'Connor and Bad Kitty by Nick Bruel. They are both hilarious picture books perfect for toddlers (and parents).
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Bout of Strep Changes Bad Rep
HotDog and Jedi both have strep. HotDog has it so much worse than Jedi that he hasn't been able to eat anything today because he says his throat stings. Beau Brummel and I were trying to spray some Clorets in HotDog's throat and he was crying and trying to run away. Jedi said, "HotDog, if you let them spray your mouth I will give you a prize. Do you want a toy prize or a candy prize?" HotDog wanted a toy prize and promptly opened his mouth. Then Jedi went to his toy box and got out three toys he thought HotDog would like and said, "Since you got three sprays, I will give you three toys." HotDog said, "Wow, FANKS (not a spelling error, he really pronounces thanks this way) Jedi!"
Posted by LAR Girl at 12:57 PM 1 comments
Labels: Discipline
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Far from home
I am currently in Siena Italy traveling with a friend. I landed in Venice and from there took a train to Florence. Venice was interesting because of the location on the water, there are no cars and you travel everywhere by water taxis. The only thing is that the Euro is so expensive now! Its about 1.70 to every 1 euro. The people in Venice never smile....excuse me anywhere in Italy they never smile! I was looked at like I was crazy because I smiled the first few days. It didn't take me very long to find out the reason. The water taxis take forever to come so its very frustrating and freezing. There streets are so small and full of so many people that your constantly feeling like a sardine. Water is not free and with the exchange your sometimes paying 4 to 5 dollars a bottle. Florence was worse. I stayed in the heart of Florence down town next to the Duomo. Unfortunately the window of our hotel room was facing a bar! Ah yes one other important detail of Italy, the bars don't close until 3 or 4 in the morning. We were told that the food in Italy was very good and portioned healthy. This is just not so. In restaurants they serve you huge pizzas that are nothing like American Pizzas. Salads are piratically no where to be found and usually are much more expensive. Walking around can be frustrating because the streets are very small and easy to miss. Using a map can be dangerous because its a give away that your lost. Gypsies are in everytown begging and steeling what they can. Its my opinion that I will need a vacation after this vacation.
Posted by wonderwoman at 7:29 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Duck (duct) Tape Evening Wear
I might be the only one who wishes she were eligible for this contest, well maybe Chicken Little is too. I am amazed at these creations! Check out these prom outfits made from Duck tape.
Posted by LAR Girl at 8:13 AM 3 comments
Labels: Crafts-Duck Tape
Monday, March 24, 2008
Turning Wheat into a Treat
So I made blender wheat pancakes for the kids (perhaps they were too wholesome tasting) and had a flash of early American inspiration and made them into stacked pancakes from Laura Ingalls Wilder's Farmer Boy,
Posted by LAR Girl at 6:02 AM 2 comments
Labels: Recipes-Breakfast
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Teen Crafts
Does anyone have any good ideas for crafts to do with preteens and teenagers? I might get to go to girl's camp and help in the craft shack and want to start getting prepared early. Or even if you know of some websites that would be helpful, please comment. Thanks!
Posted by LAR Girl at 4:54 PM 3 comments
Labels: crafts
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Home swap
I have looked today on ( dreaming of holidays, but definitely, I could never go to somebody else's house with my 4 kids so young without being overstressed that they will damage something. Hey, Opal, would you like to homeswap with us someday? I am sure it could work. If anybody (not too cautious about his stuff) wants to exchange house with me (in the suburb of Paris France), we have 4 girls age 18 months, almost 3, almost 5 and 6, we could arrange something one day.
Also, we laughed one day about the idea of creating a website called Don't think it would work.
Posted by hmaimai at 11:54 AM 2 comments
Chicken Run
We looked into ordering some rare breed chicks online, but eventually decided to get them locally. We picked up a White Leghorn, a Black Star (or Sexlink), two Brown Leghorns and two Rhode Island Reds. When we got them, they were only a day old and covered in cute little chick fuzz. They looked as though they could fit back into their eggs. Now, they are several times bigger and gaining weight at a tremendous rate. Many of their adult chicken feathers have grown in and they can fly. Yes, that's right, chickens can FLY. But only when they're little. Soon, they'll be to fat to lift off.
For the moment, the chicks live in a box under a heating lamp in our sitting room. Russ has nearly finished building their coop and they'll start living outside in a few weeks. I check on them a lot during the day and recently, they look startled and guilty every time I walk into the room. I think that they might be plotting to escape from their box. I've seen one of the Brown Leghorns fly up onto the rim of the box and I think that the Black Star is probably just as daring. One of these days Russ and I will no doubt wake up to find them on our bed.
But I have to say that they make great pets. While they're small and cute, they live inside and then when they grow into adult chickens, they spend the rest of the lives outside. And Headbanger adores them. She has taken to throwing her toys into their box - I think that its her way of "sharing". Every morning, she crawls into the sitting room and uses their box to pull herself to standing and begins to talk and squeal at them. I'm not sure that the chicks love this, as they often run to the other end of their box when they see her head peaking over the rim.
Flashlight and I try to handle each of them every day, in an effort to keep them tame. Headbanger desperately wants to touch the chickens, and we often hold her hand and help her do that. She's also shown some interest in licking and head butting the chickens, but we try to prevent her from doing these.
In a few months they will start laying eggs, but their ability to do this will decline after they are a year old. We're contemplating eating them at that point, if we're not too attached, and getting a new batch of chicks. Is it wrong to eat your pets?
Posted by Nancy Ross at 9:00 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
junky kids
Has anyone else noticed that most parents/carers don't bother with their child's appearance beyond getting them dressed? I take my 4 year old, Sally, to school every day and to church every Sunday and the number of children who are poorly groomed is shocking to me! The funny part is that most of the parents of those kids look well groomed. Kids are fairly helpless in that category, why don't parents help them out? I can understand kids who play so hard that by the end of the day their clothes & hair are a wreck, but I often see kids who look like their hair has NEVER been touched by a brush and their clothes are dirty and wrinkled, as they are being dropped off at school. My Sally very rarely goes out without her hair combed (and if it happens, it's because daddy took her out before I could comb it!) and even if she doesn't always match, her clothes are clean. I realize that this is incredibly silly, but it really bugs me.
Posted by Molly at 7:45 AM 3 comments
Worst thing I ever did (as a mum)
Last summer, I turned 30 as well. My objective for the next decade was to become an organized mum. Not the one I've been until then, always tired, sometimes exhausted, running after my kids, being utterly unprepared for everything (like going out without nappies or water for the baby or coming to somebody's house without a gift). I had decided I was not young anymore and could not benefit from this kind look from others "oh, poor young mum". It was time for some change. It started pretty bad. I did the worst thing I had ever done in my life during the summer. Being at the beach with relatives, we split in 2 groups, the ones that come home on foot, the ones that take the car. My husband goes with the 2 elder ones, and I am supposed to go home with the 2 small ones and all the picnic and beach things. I bring all the stuff to the car, attach the baby, attach my nephew in the other child seat (while my daughter aged 2 had gone back to the beach playing), my sister in law gets in the passenger seat and I turn back, see that the 2 child seats are taken, I drive home. 30 minutes later, my husband comes home and ask :"where is Bouclette?". The sister in law and I immediately realize that we totally forgot her! My husband and I rushed back and found her at the beach in a police car. I think if we had not found her alive safe and sound, my marriage would have not survived this could-have-been tragedy. The conclusion I draw from this event is that I should never put myself in such state of exhaustion where I can not pay attention anymore.
Posted by hmaimai at 5:30 AM 2 comments
Do you think I'm a good mum?
One day, trying to find comfort, I ask my elder kid (aged 5 at the time) before bedtime :"do you think I'm a good mum?". -"No. I wouldn't say that" she answers. "I think you are a beautiful mum. And I think Dad is a beautiful dad." She concludes by :"you are a beautiful mum and dad". Uh... oh... thank you. So, let's put it that way: it's no use I struggle to be good at everything because it does not matter to my kids. All they want is to have a good-looking mum and dad! :-))
Posted by hmaimai at 5:14 AM 3 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
That's Love 3
This isn't anything major, but I read to each kid individually every single night. Jedi likes Harry Potter so he only gets about 5 pages read to him, PetShopgirl gets a whole chapter of a Ramona Quimby book and HotDog gets a whole book because right now one of his books is still shorter than a half a page of the other kids' books. This takes an extra hour or more at night because they also want me to lay with them for awhile and talk. Usually I like to do this because I feel like I did not get near enough one on one time with my mom or my dad. I also am huge believer in reading almost as an extreme sport. I want my kids to know that you can travel the world or go back in time or learn new and exciting things just by reading. Sometimes, after an especially rough day, I just don't feel like it, but I make myself do it anyway because I know it means a lot to them and I want them to each have some time alone with me, even if it is just a bit. Are there small things you do for your children like this?
Posted by LAR Girl at 10:06 AM 2 comments
Labels: That's Love 3
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Secret Life of a Soccer Mom
Have you all heard of the new series on TLC? Read about it here:
Posted by LAR Girl at 6:14 PM 3 comments
Labels: The Secret Life of a Soccer Mom
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Life at a glance
I just turned 30 yesterday (I know, I'm old) and even though 30 is the new 20, I was thinking about decisions I have made in my life and alternately feeling proud, annoyed or embarrassed about some of the things I have done. So I would like everyone to share the best decision they have ever made as well the worst decision they have ever made and also their best quality and something they would like to change. Here are mine:
Posted by LAR Girl at 1:10 PM 5 comments
Labels: Life at a glance
Monday, March 10, 2008
A Weekend to Remember
Over the weekend, Guy Noir and I attended a marriage conference. We got a babysitter for the whole weekend, went to another city 45 minutes away and stayed in a fancy hotel, ate out (that almost NEVER happens!) and attended marriage seminars. It was really fun to re-connect (ALONE) with my handsome hubby because he just returned from a 2 month long business trip. Anyway, so my favorite part of the seminar was when they had us answer a few questions in the form of a love letter for our spouse. We each wrote one and then read them together on a date. I reccommend doing this for your honeys... I mean, how often do we really sit down and write out love letters anymore? It was things like describing what you loved about your spouse when you were dating, what you appreciate about them now, and what you would like to improve about yourself to show your love for them. If any of you are like us, we've been married for several years and after a while, things become really routine. Life is busy: you've got kids, work, etc. It really pays to take a little extra time for each other!
By the way, sex during a marriage retreat is AWESOME!!! There are NO interruptions!
p.s. if any of you are wondering what we did, it was called A Weekend To Remember. It was done by a christian-based organization called Family Life that does them all over the U.S. It's all about your roles/responsibilities as husband and wife and incorporating God into your relationship. Depending on your religion, you have to go knowing that not everything they say about God will be accurate in terms of what you believe, but it was really good anyway.
Posted by Molly at 9:59 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
This is Sad
Usually my posts are funny or useful. This one is just sad. But I would really appreciate some comments as I feel really disturbed by this:
Posted by LAR Girl at 8:16 PM 4 comments
Labels: Sad
Friday, March 7, 2008
That's Love II
I loved OpalQ's snot story. My story isn't as funny, but I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar...
When Headbanger was born and for several months after, it would take her 1 hour and 15 minutes to eat a meal and she ate 10 times a day. That meant that I was spending 10 hours a day just feeding her. Thankfully, my Buffy and Angel DVDs got me through. By 3.5 months, she was still taking 45 minutes to eat. Has anyone else been through this or was my otherwise normal child just an exceptionally slow eater? I'm pregnant with another and am hoping that this one will be a faster eater.
Posted by Nancy Ross at 1:48 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
A knock-knock joke that will make you laugh
Opal*Q asked where my screen name came from. She might be sorry. Here's the long version of the story.
My husband, Muscles' company was recently acquired by a regional CPA firm here in the SF Bay Area. So now, after 4 plus years of freedom, he has a boss. Being the domesticated woman that I am, I offered to have the new boss, let's call him Cross Yourself (he's very Catholic), over to dinner with his wife. I don't think I've ever been so nervous to have someone over for dinner in my life. Dinner went well and they are both very nice people. We ate Sesame Pork Ribs over jasmine rice and Roasted Asparagus (I do love living in California!). I guess I'll post the recipes since it seems at least a few posters are foodies. I digress. Back to the point.
After dinner, we were sitting around on the couch talking while Going on 16 and Mama's Boy were doing their very best to be the centers of attention. So, they started telling knock-knock jokes. I thought I had heard them all. Even the not so funny ones. Turns out Cross Yourself has a favorite and he shared it with Mama's Boy. I got such a kick out of it I decided to make part of it my screen name. Here it goes:
Cross Yourself: Knock knock
Mama's Boy: Who's there?
Cross Yourself: Dwayne the bathtub.
Mama's Boy: Dwayne the bathtub who?
Cross Yourself: Dwayne the bathtub, I'm dwooonnning.
Me: Almost rolling on the floor.
Maybe you had to be there but, it worked in the moment. Try it on your kids and hubbies.
Here are the recipes:
Sesame Pork Ribs
3/4 c. packed brown sugar
1/2 c. soy sauce
1/2 c. honey
2 T cider vinegar
3 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tsp. ground ginger
1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes (more if you like it hot!)
1 med. onion, sliced
4 lbs. boneless country-style pork ribs
1-2 T cornstarch
2 T sesame seeds, toasted
2 T chopped scallions
In a medium bowl combine the first 7 ingredients. Place onions in bottom of a slow-cooker; arrange ribs in a single layer on top of onions, pour sauce over ribs. Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours or until the pork is almost falling apart. Remove ribs to a platter, strain sauce, pour into a fat separator. Pour sauce into a sauce pan. Mix a few tablespoons of cold water with the cornstarch to make a slurry and add to the hot sauce. Bring to a boil and let simmer for about 1 minute or until thick. Garnish with sesame seeds and scallions. Serve over hot rice or on rolls.
Oven Roasted Asparagus
This recipe is so simple and it is my favorite, healthy way to eat asparagus.
1.5 lbs. asparagus, washed and trimmed
1-2 T olive oil
generous kosher or sea salt and freshly ground pepper
Preheat oven to 400F. Lay asparagus on sheet pan and toss with olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast in oven for about 6-8 minutes depending on thickness- 6 min. for pencil sized, up to 8 min. for average size. I don't like to use the really thick spears, as they tend to be a little tough. They should be just fork tender when you take them out. No droopy moustaches when you lift them up! These babies were made to be a bit crunchy. I love asparagus! If you're feeling froggy, sprinkle on some grated Parmesan cheese.
Posted by Dwayne the bathtub... at 11:21 AM 1 comments
Cute Cards
Posted by LAR Girl at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: Crafts-cards
Molten Chocolate Cakes
Since my husband is going to the Dominican Republic for 10 days and my 30th birthday falls within that time, we decided to celebrate a week early. He actually made me cake this year (the first time in 10 years of marriage)! The cake was really rich and so chocolatey. I had mine with raspberry sauce and dulce de leche Hagen Daz. We ate the leftover cakes the next day cold and they were still delicious. PetShopgirl asked Beau Brummel to make these for her birthday as well.
Posted by LAR Girl at 10:36 AM 2 comments
Labels: Recipes-Dessert
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
A good opportunity for me to stop lurking
By way of introduction, I am a housewife, presumably like most of you. I have been married to my hunky husband, we'll call him Muscles, for about 8.5 (mostly) blissful years. We have three super cute kids. The oldest is a 6 year old girl we'll call Going on 16, a son, 4 we'll call Mama's Boy, and a son 1.5., let's call him Calanator. We live in the Bay Area, have a dog, aka Perfect Pooch (PP), house, minivan and a pretty average life.
My interests include:
- Cooking for non-picky eaters
- Reading almost anything
- Listening to Conservative Talk Radio
- Watching Reality TV and Foreign Films
- Having "Me" time
Wow, that's a sad list. Sadder still, it took me about ten minutes to remember the things that I (used to) like to do. I'm going to get a life in about 18 years, I hope. In the mean time, it's a good thing my kids are so darn cute.
Posted by Dwayne the bathtub... at 6:20 PM 3 comments
That's Love
As I was sitting here typing the English translation of Como El Grinch Robó la Navidad! for PetShopgirl (her class was asked to bring in all their Dr. Suess books for Seuss week and two of ours are in Spanish), I was thinking about how mothers do crazy, tedious, heroic or just plain stupid things for our kids. So aside from typing the English translations for two LONG Dr. Seuss books, I tried to think of some other stuff that would fit the title of this post.
Posted by LAR Girl at 5:58 PM 3 comments
Labels: That's Love
Monday, March 3, 2008
Orange Tic Tac Review
Well, Revenge of the Orange Tic Tacs is over. We had relations every day except for Wednesday because one of us had a sports-related injury. A few times we did it during the day instead of the same time every night. We had a lot of variety in positions as well.
Posted by nutellafiend at 6:20 AM 2 comments
Labels: Oreang Tic Tac Review