Friday, March 28, 2008

Bout of Strep Changes Bad Rep

HotDog and Jedi both have strep. HotDog has it so much worse than Jedi that he hasn't been able to eat anything today because he says his throat stings. Beau Brummel and I were trying to spray some Clorets in HotDog's throat and he was crying and trying to run away. Jedi said, "HotDog, if you let them spray your mouth I will give you a prize. Do you want a toy prize or a candy prize?" HotDog wanted a toy prize and promptly opened his mouth. Then Jedi went to his toy box and got out three toys he thought HotDog would like and said, "Since you got three sprays, I will give you three toys." HotDog said, "Wow, FANKS (not a spelling error, he really pronounces thanks this way) Jedi!"

You know, sometimes I am so focused on the less positive aspects of having kids so close in age (constant bickering, tattle-tailing, physical violence) that I forget how sweet they can be to each other and occasionally helpful to their parents. This is our fourth or fifth bout of illness this winter, but I am going to try and be more positive and praise the kids this week and not let this slew of winter blues and bugs get us down.

I especially want to focus on Jedi. It is true that he is usually responsible for most of the mischief around our house. Yesterday he put on bright red lipstick, decided it looked dumb on him (what, all the 8-year-old boys around town aren't wearing Revlon's Ruby Sparkle?) and then smeared it on a white wall in the basement. But since he is the oldest we expect the most from him and discipline him the most. I think I should ease up on him because he is like the little girl with the little curl right in the middle of her forehead. When he is good, he is very very good . . . and I'll just overlook the rest. 


Dwayne the bathtub... said...

Doesn't it just melt your heart when your child does somthing truly kind for you (or a sibling)? Those (rareish) moments are the highlights of parenting!