Friday, March 7, 2008

That's Love II

I loved OpalQ's snot story. My story isn't as funny, but I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar...

When Headbanger was born and for several months after, it would take her 1 hour and 15 minutes to eat a meal and she ate 10 times a day. That meant that I was spending 10 hours a day just feeding her. Thankfully, my Buffy and Angel DVDs got me through. By 3.5 months, she was still taking 45 minutes to eat. Has anyone else been through this or was my otherwise normal child just an exceptionally slow eater? I'm pregnant with another and am hoping that this one will be a faster eater.


Nancy Ross said...

Ah, mistake! She was eating 8 times a day, which totaled 10 hours per day.

LAR Girl said...

have you thought about expressing breastmilk and freezing it? PetShopgirl took FORever to eat and she still to this day is at the dinner table 1-2 hours after everyone else, but it is because she is picking out onions or loudly complaining about her food.

hmaimai said...

It's just a phase, but certainly, the hammoc could greatly help to calm her until next meal. I think the osteopath can help. Just a one time session. And also, if your baby gets really fat, then let her wait for her next meal a little more. Because our second one was eating twice more frequently than the first one, but was also getting twice fatter in the same time. Maybe your baby needs action. (Like the swinging of a hammoc).