Monday, March 24, 2008

Turning Wheat into a Treat

So I made blender wheat pancakes for the kids (perhaps they were too wholesome tasting) and had a flash of early American inspiration and made them into stacked pancakes from Laura Ingalls Wilder's Farmer Boy,

"Ten pancakes cooked on the smoking griddle, and as fast as they were done Mother added another cake to each stack and buttered it lavishly and covered it with maple sugar. Butter and sugar melted together and soaked the fluffy pancakes and dripped all the down their crisp edges. That was stacked pancakes. Almanzo liked them better than any other kind of pancakes."

Instead of cooking the pancakes in butter on a hot skillet, I just left the skillet dry. Instead of 10 pancakes, I used three per stack. With the leftover pancakes you can make stacked pancakes the next day in the microwave by layering pancake, butter, brown sugar three times and then zapping in the microwave for about 15-20 seconds. HotDog, Jedi and I love them. Beau Brummel hates butter or else he would love them too. (Hmaimai, these are similar to Scotch pancakes, not crepes.) I am happy to post the blender wheat pancake recipe if anyone wants it.


Mrs. Hass-Bark said...

Yum! When I invite myself to visit, you have to make those.

Dwayne the bathtub... said...

Farmer Boy just happens to be my favorite book from my childhood. I think I've read it about 5 times. This makes me want to read it again!