Tuesday, March 4, 2008

That's Love

As I was sitting here typing the English translation of Como El Grinch Robó la Navidad! for PetShopgirl (her class was asked to bring in all their Dr. Suess books for Seuss week and two of ours are in Spanish), I was thinking about how mothers do crazy, tedious, heroic or just plain stupid things for our kids. So aside from typing the English translations for two LONG Dr. Seuss books, I tried to think of some other stuff that would fit the title of this post. 

Please share your stories in post form.

1. We were in the unpacking stage in a new place and on the plane on the trip over, the flight attendant had given us some magnetic checkerboards with magnets for the pieces. The checkers were about the size of match heads and looked like green and red candy sprinkles. PetShopgirl managed to stick one up her nose and couldn't get it out. We tried tweezers and plugging one nostril to try and get her to blow it out. It wouldn't budge and by this time she was crying pretty hard (she was only two). I remembered that I read about a parent blowing pepper up their child's nose to make them sneeze out a pea they had shoved up there. We had just moved in and had not bought pepper yet, but I looked through the cupboards anyway, hoping that a former tenant had left some behind. Instead I found chili powder. I had  PetShopgirl close her eyes and I blew some chili powder up her nose. Well that made her cry even harder and did not induce sneezing at all. However, tons of snot was pouring out of her nose. Finally, as she was in hysterics and I was desperate to help her and ease her discomfort, I put my mouth on her nose and started sucking on it to try and get that darned magnet out. You know what tastes disgusting? Warm CHILI SNOT sucked out of a two-year-old's nose! I sucked and sucked at her little nose and all the while she is screaming at me, "Suck it out mom! Suck it out!" It did finally dislodge and plop out on the floor in a puddle of hot spicy snot, but only after I had sucked out what seemed like 1/4 cup of the stuff.  

2. Another time when we were living abroad (again), PetShopgirl was only about 4 months old and she would only nurse lying down. In Europe, as some of you know, there aren't that many places to lie down in public. Many times you would find me with PetShopgirl attached lying on a park bench nursing. But the best was the time that we went to the Hard Rock Cafe and she of course wouldn't eat with me sitting and her in my arms at the table. I tried to line the floor of the bathroom with paper towels and feed her there, but she wasn't having it. So finally, and she is starving by now (and there was nowhere else to go) I took her outside and stretched out on my side, with her on lying on a baby Bjorn and nursed her on the sidewalk outside of Hard Rock Cafe in Madrid, Spain.

I love Jedi and HotDog, and I am sure I have done similar things for them, but I just can't think of any right now. Maybe they are just easier kids. Please share your That's Love stories, I would really like to read them!


Mrs. Hass-Bark said...

Ah, Opal *Q, thanks for making me laugh out loud!

Dwayne the bathtub... said...

Seriously, Chili Snot? Nursing on the sidewalk in Madrid? I was laughing so hard that I didn't notice The Calanator was trying to get a soccer ball off of the kitchen chair and pulled onto his head. Nobody is laughing now! I'll have to think about some of the things I've done for love.

Ms. Jones said...

So FUNNY!! I also have had to lie down on a bathroom floor to nurse Einstein.I'll think about my stories of love and post later.Great post!